Like you, 80% of Canadians live in cities. The trees in our cities provide us with many services, such as regulating temperature, providing shade, filtering the air, and supporting biodiversity. Currently, we use public tree inventories to understand how trees are distributed across the city and which residents benefit most from the services that trees provide. However, over 50% of urban trees are on private land, such as residential yards or businesses. Therefore, by also including private trees when we study the urban forest, we can create a complete portrait of urban tree biodiversity and the ecosystem services they provide.

We are researchers at Concordia University and Université du Québec à Montréal, and we are interested in how trees shape our communities and support our residents. To do this, we have collaborated with the City of Dieppe to start a community project in Dieppe, aimed towards building a better understanding of our urban forest. With your help, our goal is to gain a better understanding of the urban forest and improve how we manage trees in the city. 

How you can help:

To help us reach our goal, we are asking Dieppe residents to submit the trees in their yards, businesses, or commercial land to our online database.  All you need to do is identify your tree species, measure your tree circumference, and provide GPS coordinates by following the detailed instructions on our website. 

Ready to help? Follow these simple steps!

To enter your trees on our website:

1. Go to   

2. Create an account or enter our website as a guest. By creating an account, you are automatically entered in a prize draw sponsored by the City of Dieppe.

3. Make sure to read our protocol on the website before entering your tree information. 

4. Enter your tree information! 

We thank you in advance for your help. If you have any questions or concerns about the project, our website, or need help identifying your trees, please reach out to us at